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Data Driven.

Your smart compass to the political world.

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Our Mission.

One Nation. Under God.

Our mission is to help create a better nation by making politics more understandable and intuitive for everyone. We hope to achieve this by lifting the veil on the hidden politics of the companies we buy from and support. By doing so, we hope to facilitate a positive and productive political discussion. Not only about the role large corporations play in our nation's politics but also a broad view of politics as a whole.

Data Driven.

How Scoring works?

The political scoring of a company is purely data-driven and primarily uses employee donations to political candidates and non-for-profits. However, the raw dollar-to-dollar donation is not the political score. Many additional data-based attributes factor into the score. Using the political score and history, a consumer can make an informed decision to buy from companies that support similar political agendas as themselves.

Poliview Score Example - Badwolf

Bipartisan Data.

Data Partners

Utilizing data provided by our data partners and by consumers like yourself, we can keep our databases up-to-date and accurate. As a consumer, you can suggest

companies to review


data inaccuracies

, and

features to build


FEC Logo
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No, political scores are purely data-based. The score primary uses employee donations to political candidates and non-for-profits. But other attributes that get factored into the score.

Each political label is related to a figure represented as a percentage leaning liberal or conservative. That figure is a calculated score that says how liberal or conservative a company is. For example, if a company is more than 90% liberal, they are considered ultra-liberal.

Politcal Labels


> 90% Conservative; pushes conservative agenda on customers and employees.


> 75% Conservative; pushes conservative agenda on employees.


> 60% Conservative; vocally support conservative agenda.


~ 50% Conservative & Liberal; neutral company


> 60% Liberal; vocally support liberal agenda.


> 75% Liberal; pushes liberal agenda on employees.


> 90% Liberal; pushes liberal agenda on customers and employees.

Conservative and liberal are very abstract terms. But, conservative generally means the support of traditional or Republican (GOP) ideologies. While liberal usually means the support of progressive or Democratic (DNC) ideologies. While no particular political issue can define either side, there are some basic principles that each side generally follows.

Liberal Principles

- Values equality and progressive ideas

- Power to national goverment (federalism)

- Welfare state aided by the goverment

- Regulated Market

- Spending on social programs

Conservative Principles

- Values freedom and traditional ideas

- Power to state and local goverments (anti-federalism)

- Individual Responsiblity aided by private philanthropics

- Deregulated Free Market

- Spending on military and reduced spending

We need your help to keep our data up-to-date and accurate. So if you notice an issue with our data or want to suggest a company to review, just let us know.

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Our data partners and source are in no-way affilicated with Poliview or Sellers Industries. We just use the data provided by them to enhance the services we provide.

Data Sources

Federal Election Commision

(Federal Election Campaign Act)

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

(CC BY-SA 3.0)

Wikidata Database

(CC BY-SA 3.0)

Other Sources

Photos by

Brandon Mowinkel

(Unsplash License)

Illustrations by

Icons 8



(Icons8 License)

Poliview LogoCopyright (C) 2022 Sellers Industries, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
the government shall be upon his shoulder


About Poliview

Company Scoring

Sellers Industries, Inc.


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